
In comparison to older version we are providing a single method to Cancel any booking. Booking cancel is done in two ways Online Cancel or Offline Cancel.

Online Cancel

Bookings for which our aggregator provides online cancellation and cancellation charges do not apply on the day when you request booking cancel, the booking will be immediately cancelled.

Offline Cancel

Bookings which could not be cancelled online are shown to our operations team, the team cancel the booking within 24 hours. The status of these booking could be checked through the same HotelCancel() method.

This method is used to cancel a reservation or to check the status of previously sent request.

Note: If RequestStatus is Processed then only the booking cancel flow is complete

If all the elements present in request priority will be given to ConfirmationNo.

Request (Cancel booking) (Option 1)

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:hot="http://TekTravel/HotelBookingApi">
 <soap:Header xmlns:wsa=''>
    <hot:Credentials xmlns:hot="http://TekTravel/HotelBookingApi" UserName="testuser" Password="testpwd">
      <hot:Remarks>test cancel</hot:Remarks>

Request (Cancel booking) (Option 2)

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:hot="http://TekTravel/HotelBookingApi">
 <soap:Header xmlns:wsa=''>
    <hot:Credentials xmlns:hot="http://TekTravel/HotelBookingApi" UserName="testuser" Password="testpwd">
      <hot:Remarks>test cancel</hot:Remarks>

Response (Cancel booking)

<HotelCancelResponse xmlns="http://TekTravel/HotelBookingApi">
    <Description>Successful: Booking Cancelled Successfully</Description>

Request (Check booking cancel request status) (option 1)

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:hot="http://TekTravel/HotelBookingApi">
  <soap:Header xmlns:wsa=''>
    <hot:Credentials xmlns:hot="http://TekTravel/HotelBookingApi" UserName="testuser" Password="testpwd">
      <hot:Remarks>test cancel</hot:Remarks>

Request (Check booking cancel request status) (option 2)

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:hot="http://TekTravel/HotelBookingApi">
  <soap:Header xmlns:wsa=''>
    <hot:Credentials xmlns:hot="http://TekTravel/HotelBookingApi" UserName="testuser" Password="testpwd">
      <hot:Remarks>test cancel</hot:Remarks>


<HotelCancelResponse xmlns="http://TekTravel/HotelBookingApi">
    <Description>Successful: HotelCancel-CheckStatus Successful</Description>