This method is used to make a reservation at the hotel. We strongly recommend to check the availability of hotel / hotel room(s) through AvailabilityAndPricing method before request to reduce the probability of booking failure.
You can create confirmed booking only for the hotels whose cancellation deadline has not passed. This status says booking created and reservation is confirmed (hold) but payment is not made yet by the agency to TBOHolidays. For payment of this booking GenerateInvoice method call is mandatory to raise invoice, otherwise the booking will be automatically cancelled on last cancellation date.
For some aggregators which do not provide price verification at AvailabilityAndPricing and the price changes at run time, you will get New Price in book response status node as "Booking Fare changed. (New Fare:45.25(USD)). Please try booking with new fare. ". In this case we can Re-Book the same itinerary on New Fare. You need to divide the amount difference (New Fare – Old Fare) equally among the rooms and send booking request again.
'HotelRoom' will repeat in case of multiple rooms booking.
Important: 'ClientReferenceNumber' Format- ddmmyyHHmmssfff#abxy (abxy: unique string of length 4 represents the client)
Optional Supplements can be chosen if available at the hotel.
Atproperty supplement is mandatory to be present in request, if you received that in rooms response.
First and Last name of the guest should contain only alphabetic name with not more than one space.Please note that Few of our aggregators do not accept a punctuation mark, more than one space, numeric value.
GuestNationality node should not be blank in HotelBook request, as it is mandatory node in HotelBook request.
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:hot="http://TekTravel/HotelBookingApi">
<soap:Header xmlns:wsa=''>
<hot:Credentials xmlns:hot="http://TekTravel/HotelBookingApi" UserName="testuser" Password="testpwd">
<hot:Guest LeadGuest="true" GuestType="Adult" GuestInRoom="1">
<hot:LastName>Sharma Test</hot:LastName>
<!-- VoucherBooking-true Booking will be vouchered -->
<hot:PaymentInfo VoucherBooking="true" PaymentModeType="Limit">
<hot:HotelName>CityMax Bur Dubai</hot:HotelName>
<hot:RoomTypeName>Standard Room</hot:RoomTypeName>
<hot:RoomRate Currency="USD" RoomFare="36.24" RoomTax="7.56" TotalFare="43.80">
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:hot="http://TekTravel/HotelBookingApi">
<soap:Header xmlns:wsa=''>
<hot:Credentials xmlns:hot="http://TekTravel/HotelBookingApi" UserName="testuser" Password="testpwd">
<hot:Guest LeadGuest="true" GuestType="Adult" GuestInRoom="1">
<Guest LeadGuest="false" GuestType="Adult" GuestInRoom="2">
<!-- VoucherBooking-true Booking will be Vouchered -->
<hot:PaymentInfo VoucherBooking="true" PaymentModeType="Limit">
<hot:HotelName>Al Manar Apartment</hot:HotelName>
<hot:RoomTypeName>Single Room Standard Studio</hot:RoomTypeName>
<hot:RoomRate RoomFare="73.43" Currency="USD" AgentMarkUp="3.50" RoomTax="0" TotalFare="73.43">
<hot:RoomTypeName>Single Room Standard Studio</hot:RoomTypeName>
<hot:RoomRate RoomFare="73.43" Currency="USD" AgentMarkUp="3.50" RoomTax="0" TotalFare="73.43">
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:hot="http://TekTravel/HotelBookingApi">
<soap:Header xmlns:wsa=''>
<hot:Credentials xmlns:hot="http://TekTravel/HotelBookingApi" UserName="testuser" Password="testpwd">
<hot:Guest LeadGuest="true" GuestType="Adult" GuestInRoom="1">
<hot:Guest LeadGuest="false" GuestType="Adult" GuestInRoom="1">
<!-- VoucherBooking-true Booking will be vouchered -->
<hot:PaymentInfo VoucherBooking="true" PaymentModeType="Limit">
<hot:HotelName>Champs Elysees</hot:HotelName>
<hot:RoomTypeName>Single Room Standard Single</hot:RoomTypeName>
<hot:RoomRate RoomFare="48.95" Currency="USD" AgentMarkUp="2.33" RoomTax="0" TotalFare="48.95">
<hot:SuppInfo SuppID="1" SuppChargeType="AtProperty" Price="10" SuppIsSelected="false"/>
<HotelBookResponse xmlns="http://TekTravel/HotelBookingApi">
<Description>Successful: HotelBook Successful</Description>
<PriceChange Status="false" AvailableOnNewPrice="false"/>