Winners at the World Travel Awards 2018
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We understand the value of dynamic holiday packaging.

We are empowering our travel agents & tour operators with more control and flexibility. They can now instantly customize vacations for their valued clients by interchanging various travel components within a package. Be it a Hotel, sightseeing options, vehicle type etc.

Our pricing is always based on current availability and only provide a single package price hiding the price of the individual travel components.

Many choices with increased flexibility, at a wholesale price making our dynamic packaging module highly popular among our agents.

Our agents can easily compete on the worldwide stage, under-cutting the traditional tour operator package prices whilst still earning a decent margin. The cost of a dynamic package can be up to 25-30 % lower than a standard package, with enhanced margins for the agent and excellent value for money for their customers.

Our belief is that total component flexibility is key to the success of a dynamic packaging. This module has been developed putting the customer at the center, making packages that the customer actually wants.

We believe that Dynamic packaging is here to stay and will take an increasing share of the market.

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